What Is GPS Tracking?
What IS GPS Tracking?
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Quickly Recover Your Missing Equipment
August 3rd, 2013
One of the biggest problems that owners of heavy equipment have to deal with is finding the equipment when it is missing. If you own or rent heavy equipment (front loaders, generators, light towers), trailers, frac tanks, etc then you have a lot of money invested. The longer the equipment is missing the more money you lose through lost revenue and time. A GPS tracking solution can help you recover your equipment faster and more efficiently.
How Does It Work?
To track your assets all you need is a GPS tracker mounted to the equipment in a position where it can "see"[Read More]
How to Search for Old Routes
July 27th, 2013
There are times when you need to find out what happened to a vehicle or asset days, weeks, or months ago. Searching for old data is very easy to do. Just follow the steps below. Make sure that you are logged in and on the Tracking page.
1. Click on the History tab.
2. Select the beginning and end dates for the search.
3. Click on the Search button.
4. You should see a list of vehicles or assets if there was activity during the dates you selected.
5. Select the vehicle or asset that you want to see.
If you have any questions or comments about[Read More]
Reduce Idling and Save Money with GPS Tracking
July 26th, 2013
Vehicle idling can be a huge part of your fuel bill. A vehicle that is idling is not going any where. For example, a diesel truck can waste up to 1 gallon of fuel while idling. A GPS tracking system can monitor when and where your vehicles are idling. Once you know how long and where your vehicles are idling you can address the behavior with your drivers.
A small fleet of 5 vehicles that idles 5 hours per day could waste of up to 5 gallons. That is $17.45 per day at $3.49 per gallon (San Antonio average as of 7/26/2013).[Read More]