Monthly Archives: January 2021

Company Finds Stolen Vehicle

January 9, 2021

Company finds stolen vehicleCompany Finds Stolen Vehicle with GPS Tracker

I love to write about customers who have used GPS tracking to better their business in different ways. In this blog the company finds a stolen vehicle with the help of their GPS tracker.

One of our best customers, H3O Water Systems in San Antonio, TX, just told me that one of their vehicles was stolen from their yard. The GPS tracker helped them recover the vehicle the same day without the help of the police.

All they had to do was log in to their GPS tracking account and locate the vehicle. Once they did that one of the supervisors went to the location and drove the vehicle away. They didn’t even call the police.

Unfortunately, this customer has had 3 vehicles stolen in the last 4 years. The great news is that they recovered all the vehicles right away. Without GPS tracking they would have been lucky if the police found anything.

Up and Running Quickly

A stolen vehicle can cause the company a ton of problems. Your insurance may cover the cost of the vehicle and tools, but it doesn’t replace lost time and productivity. How long does it take to deal with insurance and replace the vehicle and tools?

A GPS tracking device makes it much more likely that you will find the vehicle right away. Therefore, avoiding as little down time as possible. Just like H3O Water all you have to do is login to your GPS tracking account from your phone or computer to find your vehicle.

The goal is to get you back up and running as quickly as possible.

Automatic Alerts

You can even take it a step further and setup automatic alerts if the vehicle leaves after hours. The alert can be delivered by text message or email to whoever you want. This way if the vehicle is stolen in the middle of the night you can find out right away.

If you would like to get the same benefits as H3O Water please call me at 888-777-4510 or send me an email at

I would love to show you how GPS tracking can benefit your business. Contact me today to schedule a demo or learn more.

Best Wishes,

Michael Goldberg

About Efficient Fleets

We provide easy-to-use, affordable GPS tracking and video camera systems for fleets of any size. We are fully committed to making sure you get the most out of your solutions. If you want a higher level of customer service and satisfaction then call or email me today at 888-777-4510 or

All of our systems are web based so you can monitor your assets from any where. Our solutions include GPS tracking, video cameras, electronic logging devices (ELD), and installation services.